AML Certification courses in Singapore

Singpore is uniquely positioned as the financial center in the middle of states where corruption and predicate offenses are rampant. The Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Notice to Banks requires banks to institute a training program to teach employees how to maintain appropriate records and identify, detect and report suspicious transactions in order to prevent money laundering.

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Madhura Phadtare
Madhura Phadtare
Madhura is editor at Regtechtimes and is an expert in regulatory developments in the international scenario.

Money Laundering challenges in Singapore

Singapore’s position as one of the world’s leading financial services centre and a trade hub make it particularly vulnerable to money laundering due to large cross-border flows, coupled with a regional history of transnational organized crime.

Traditionally, money launderers and tax evaders have used shell companies in offshore centres worldwide to introduce dirty money. But the relative ease of starting a business in Singapore renders it potentially more vulnerable to misuse of shell firms, which otherwise have many legitimate business purposes.

As a result, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) shut down the local units of two private banks. It froze millions of dollars in bank accounts, charged private bankers and imposed fines on banks.

To confront a growing number of threats and more savvy criminals, professionals in anti-money laundering roles need training that goes beyond the basics. There are many Compliance Certification courses across the world.

In addition, some of them are global and some of them are local. There are several renowned certifications focusing on enriching AML or Compliance related topics. Most of these providers are based in United States and deal primarily with Bank Secrecy Act.

What is the status of FATF Evaluation

Singapore is the country that Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has not added in the list. Singapore is not there in the FATF list because it doesn’t have any strategic deficiencies in AML.

What is Financial Action Task Force

The Financial Action Task Force is regarded as the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. This body is developed to set up the standards with the aim to combat the illegal activities that are taking place in the country. FATF promotes bringing up the national legislative and regulatory reforms in these prone areas.

Countries on the grey list do not suffer as severe repercussions as those on the Black List.  Countries turning a blind eye toward the spread of blatant money laundering and terror funding are placed on the black list. The FATF has likely observed the beginnings of such activities in grey-listed countries. Placing a country on the grey list serves as a sort of warning for them. If they do not take any action against the spread of such activities, the FATF will most likely move them to the Black List. The black list was formerly known as the “Call for action” list and the Grey List “Other monitored jurisdictions.

Overview of the Economy

Singapore is regarded as the second largest open economy from the entire world. It is also world’s second pro business system that is announced by the World Bank. Earlier there were a lot of lack in the natural resources. This was due to the small domestic market that was developed in the country. This occurred because of the large financial crimes that were taking pace in the country. Singapore overcome  these financial crisis. It developed a stable economy in the country. Singapore always showed a positive surplus.

 AML Certification courses in Singapore

Riskpro Learning offers multiple short-term online AML Certification courses.

  • Certification in Trade Based Money Laundering – Proceeds of crime are laundered through the international trade. This certification explains the different methods of trade and the informal value transfer systems.
  • AML Certification for Money Service Businesses – This program is designed for the money changers, exchange houses, digital currency exchanges and money exchanges to identify the suspicious financial transactions.
  • Shell Company Investigations – Money obtained from criminal activities is introduced in the shell companies to make it appear as the income from legitimate source. This short term AML program helps the students to understand the different types of corporate structures.
  • Risk Based Money Laundering – This online learning course discuss different aspects of risk based kyc approach and identification of the high risk customers.

Additionally, Most of the AML Certifications help the professionals to get their resume up skilled by adding the certifications such as Certified Anti Money Laundering Experts (CAME). These certifications are important milestone in professional development.

Similar to the above certification, Regtech Times has also launched A new certification Program i.e Certified Anti-Money Laundering Professional (CAMP).  It is one of the best international certification provided by Regtech Times Academy. It will give the knowledge of how to takle the AML related problems, basics of AML, etc.

Contents of AML Certification courses

AML Certifications help the professionals to distinguish themselves from the crowd and it also adds the knowledge and value to the professional who is studying the subject of Anti Money Laundering. Globally, there are many certifications which offer a good curriculum. However, Money Laundering is a technical subject, which needs to be understood in the local parlance.

In other words, Financial Terms used in every country may also differ. Financial Action Task force (FATF) require financial institutions to report the suspicious transactions to Financial Intelligence Unit. However, Singapore uses Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office instead of Financial Intelligence Unit. In such scenario the professional actually gain the insights when they study the local laws.

One of the most popular AML CFT Certifications in Asia is Certified Anti Money Laundering Expert Program, which is designed for the Asian bankers and compliance professionals. It covers the reporting requirements in Singapore banks.

Therefore, This program emphasize on the local laws. Law enforcement agencies and the compliance professionals use the local terminologies.

AML Regulations in Singapore

There are different regulations in Singapore, which the compliance professionals working in Singapore needs to understand. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapore’s central bank and financial regulator. Hence, it sets out CFT and AML policy in Singapore. Singapore is developing as the hub of the Fintech as it has a matured banking system. Singapore’s AML/CFT regulations establish a clear requirement that FinTech’s have a transaction monitoring program in place.

Similarly, limited large currency reporting requirements and the size and growth of Singapore’s private banking and asset management sectors also pose inherent risks. This situation warrants the need of education to combat money laundering.

Cost of AML Certifications

Ambitious professionals always look forward to go global. However the cost of the global certifications play a major barrier in gaining Certification. Hence, One should do the cost benefit analysis before gaining certifications. KYC is not the only aspect of AML Regime. Many certifications are still focusing on the age old KYC approach. It is necessary to understand that KYC is a very small part of the Money Laundering Process. Now the Risk Based Approach replaces the traditional KYC methods.

Certified Anti Money Laundering Expert syllabus covers KYC, Trade Based Money Laundering, Prevention of Money Laundering Act etc. It costs SGD 600 for an individual to complete the certification.

Certified Anti-Money Laundering Professional course covers the understanding of risk based approach to money laundering, the overview of the international laws, deep understanding of politically exposed person. The cost of this course is $300.00 for the aspirants who are willing to do this course.

Prep Course for the AML Certification in Singapore

In addition to the Certified AML Professional program, Regtechtimes Academy also offers the ACAMS Prep Course for the aspirants looking to take up the CAMS certification from ACAMS, USA. This course is a set of 6 simulated exams which would help the Algerian aspirants to pass their CAMS exams successfully. We offer a very cost-effective model for the CAMS Prep course and accept the payments in local currency.

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